Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The New Year!

How to make a Snow Cave.

Begin your preparation by driving up to a nearby snow destination (Big Bear).   Be sure to find a cabin that has recently received a significant amount of snow.  Invite some friends over to begin the shoveling process. (We invited the Tews.)  Have a snow plow move the remaining snow that is dominating the driveway, to a desirable snow cave location, and pile it high and deep.  (Note: On New Year's Eve, the snow plower might need to be properly motivated.)  
Let chill overnight.

In the morning, your snow mound will be ready for renovation.  You might want to find a General Contractor to organize and carry out this project. (This one looks vulnerable.)

He will find some good, hard labor to help with the digging.

Once you have started digging, you might need to rest, and check your progress.
(Don't forget to keep smiling.  This is fun, remember.)

Once you reach the desired depth on your first big dig,  begin 
carving into one of the sides of the fortress to hollow out the cave.  

Using a small child to determine the height of the walls is very helpful.

An added, yet nice commodity, is a walkway, leading up to the cave.
This particular walkway had stairs leading up to the entrance.  

You will need a door,

and a slide to enter.

Sending a child down as a safety test is recommended.
(We sent down our naughtiest.)

This is not a recommendation.  
Have at least two ways to exit the cave. Here is one. . .

and here is another.

You have now finished your cave.  Enjoy it! (While you can.)

Don't be shy. . . invite over a friend for cookies, hot chocolate, or peanut butter and banana sandwiches.  They will never forget their snow cave visit.

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