Monday, January 17, 2011


Repetitive. Redundant. More of the same. We love to go to Coronado. I feel like I have done at least two or three posts of it in the past, but oh well, it was what we did for our day off, and it went something like this. Nana had never been, and she was here visiting, so we wanted to take her. The weather was perfect. People were flying kites, sunbathing on the grass, picnicking, chasing birds, it was that kind of a day.
We had lunch and played before heading down to the landing. Why is it that food tastes so much better when it is eaten outdoors? Turkey sandwiches, kettle cooked potato chips, and cherry 7 up, yummy.

The water was really low this time. If you look closely (below), you can see all of the white birds at the base of the water. The green mossy rocks were covered with little crabs. Who needs a bucket, when you can corral them with rocks?

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