Thursday, December 2, 2010


Thanksgiving at Nana's house. Our visit lasted 4 days. It is never long enough. Highlights: Kites. Cowboys. Cousin sleepovers. Two gobbling turkeys. Land. Family. Girls Night Out. Annual Rocket launching. Boys and guns. Shopping. Feasting. Drawing on the wallpaper stripped walls. Babies. Dirty shoes. Thank you Nana and Hoho!
Launching the rockets is fun. Retrieving them is even more so. Once a rocket, is shot into the sky, the search begins! As long as they keep coming back (in one piece), they are launched over and over again.


Thanksgiving morning, Alie and Justin played Cowboys with Jumpropes and Stick Horses. Classic. Way to make Nana proud.
My boy with a shotgun. A beaming Hoho.

Grandma and Grandpa
The Bird

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