Alie's seventh birthday party . . . we had her party in the morning, so that we could have breakfast with some of her friends before Saturday activities. The girls were excited to wear their pajamas and start the day off with a little sugar, and then some more. We had a "pretty" self serve cereal bar, grapes, blueberry and banana muffins, and orange juice. Setting this party up was part of the fun for Alie. She loved decorating and setting the tables (thanks Sunshine) and filling the jars up with the cereal (thanks Diane). After breakfast we had a scavenger hunt (to burn off some of the extra energy), and filled Chinese take out boxes with cereal for the girls to take home (thanks Summer). It turned out to be a beautiful morning, so the girls went out in the backyard to hula hoop and jump rope. The girls liked jumping to this rhyme - "Apples, peaches, pears, and plums, tell me when your birthday comes . . . Jan, Feb, March, April. . . ."
Happy Birthday Alison!!! These are some of the things we love about you. . .
Your giggle, the sound of your voice when you sing, your strength, your kindness to others, your attention to detail, your "angry eyebrows", the smell of your feet, your sense of humor, quiet nature, and the stories that you tell. You love to cuddle, you love your dolls, playing school, doing chores in the house (not including picking up toys), baking, drawing, creating, dancing, and soccer. You are a leader. You are my littlest girl, and you love that you are.
One of the scavenger hunt clues was in the bird house.
(Note, Kelsey trying to scale up the post.)
Way to multi-task Alie!